List of local organisations with links either to sub pages or their own websites.
When we started Muddlealong, it was to help people avoid isolation and to keep them communicating. We wanted it to be an easy, informal environment where people could learn or share skills such as knitting, crochet or patchwork – or just sit and chat over a cup of tea and a piece of cake.
Our decisions at the first meeting in October 2009 were: to charge £1 to cover the cost of the room; to fundraise to supplement any grant we could get; that everyone could make tea or wash up, and donations of cakes and raffle prizes would be gratefully accepted. There would be no formal rota, we’d just muddle along – and so our name was decided.
Over the years, our decisions at that first meeting haven’t changed, except the charge is £1.50 now – not too much inflation for 10 years! We’ve made hundreds of jumpers, hats, scarves, blankets and twiddlemuffs, and donated them to different projects, locally and worldwide. We’ve had quizzes, coffee mornings, afternoon teas and pie-and-pea suppers, and donated the money raised to Royal Derby Hospital, Macmillan, Marie Curie and Air Ambulance. We’ve had outings and theatre visits each year.
The number of people coming to Muddlealong is around 20 to 25. New members will be made welcome. We’ll be at Crich Wesleyan Chapel on Chapel Lane on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday afternoon of each month, 2pm-4.00pm.
Just come along and MUDDLEALONG!
If you’d like to know more, contact:
Margaret Scott: 01773 852618