Popalong restarts on 9 September 2022

Popalong restarts on Friday 9th September 2022 and we are able to welcome new families.
For those new to the area, Popalong is a Baby and Toddler Group (0 to 3+ years) where mums, dads, grandparents or carers can meet up with others and relax while little ones play, babies wriggle, stare or sleep, enjoy refreshments and join in the singing with Martyn on his guitar.
The group is very friendly and supportive, especially to new mums and newcomers to the area.
The session is from 9.30 - 11.30am and we meet during term time in the Wesleyan Chapel on Chapel Lane, Crich.
For more information contact Lynda on 07890 688021 or jimlynda.gray@btopenworld.com.