Crich Parish Council update
The Parish Council met and agreed to buy 2 new picnic tables for the Recreation Ground. These will be made in Wirskworth using recycled plastic milk bottles.
They also agreed a campaign to reduce/eliminate dog poo on the Rec and around our streets. Local school children have produced a number of poster which will be used to get the message home and a number of boxes for poo bags will be installed.
It was decided to coordinate a winter cloths collection for Afghan refugees and I'll post more information about this later this month/
Because of supply chain problems we are still waiting for delivery of the replacement parts for the toddlers spring horse on the Rec.
Police have been on the Rec. chatting to people asking about the recent anti social problems. No one had anything to report. The only comments that were made were positive. The Police have the RG on their route now and will be carrying out other visits. The key message remains: if you see something report it to the Police, more reports mean more visits can be made.
Finally the Parish Council were pleased to hear of the plans to open a Youth Club at the Glebe. Best wishes to all involved
Paul Yorke (Chair)