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Derek Killingsley-Smith

David Billyeald presents Derek Killingsley-Smith with his award
David Billyeald presents Derek Killingsley-Smith with his award

CACN chairman, David Billyeald, presented Derek Killingsley-Smith with the CACN Community Award 2008.

This is a new award to be presented annually to someone who has voluntarily worked to improve, or enhance, the community spirit in our parish.

It was thought entirely appropriate that the first recipient should be the founding editor and chairman of Crich Area Community News upon his stepping down from the CACN committee. Everyone concerned with CACN wishes Derek well in his ‘retirement’ and thanks him for everything he has done for our magazine.

Dear Editor,

I wish to place on record my gratitude to the Editorial Committee for the great honour bestowed on me in the form of the first CACN Community Award 2008.

I was truly humbled and the event certainly took me by surprise.

It is with sadness that as from 9th January 2009 I will no longer be an official part of CACN; however the friendships made during my period of involvement (1996 to present) have cemented and indeed forged new ones. These, both Kate and I treasure and value. It has been a pleasure and privilege to work in this Community, latterly with CACN, and previously as Chairman of Crich Carnival Committee and Crich Christian Coffee Club. I am proud of our achievements and delighted with your taking the magazine into the next century.

My very best wishes to CACN for the future and my thanks to all colleagues both past and present for all their hard work and efforts. Finally an appeal to all those individuals and organisations in our area: remember, the magazine is only as good as the material it receives. Please please send in details of your events etc. to the Editor, helping to inform locals of your updates, and of course spreading your message. Who knows, you may recruit some new members. As long as your article fits our criteria 'Aims to enhance the and further the community spirit in our area', I am sure it will be gratefully received.

I remain, Sincerely,

Derek Killingsley-Smith

If you consider someone worthy of receiving the Community Award because their voluntary activities in the parish, please let us have your suggestion.